Call for Papers

The 1st International Conference on Innovative Structure and Resilient City (ISRC 2025) is the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of resilient cities, infrastructure, and resilience-based management. The main focus of ISRC 2025 is to foster a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between fundamental research, innovative technologies, and engineering applications in building resilient urban environments.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: Smart Structures and Infrastructure for Resilient City

IoT-enabled urban infrastructure monitoring and management.
Artificial intelligence for disaster prediction and response.
Cybersecurity for smart cities and critical infrastructure.
Data-driven decision-making in urban planning.
Development of advanced materials and smart technologies for resilient structures and infrastructure
Adaptive structural systems and self-healing materials
Innovations in seismic-resistant design and retrofitting techniques
Smart sensors and IoT-based monitoring systems for real-time structural resilience


Track 2: Sustainable Architecture and Health Monitoring

Net-zero energy buildings and urban design.
Passive design strategies for resilient buildings.
Green roofs, solar facades, and urban agriculture.
Circular economy approaches in construction materials.
Structural health monitoring systems and their applications
Sustainability and resilience integration in life-cycle assessments
Life-cycle performance evaluation of structures and infrastructure


Track 3: Resilience Evaluation and Assessment Methodologies

Quantitative resilience metrics and modeling frameworks for cities and structures
Probabilistic risk assessment and disaster impact simulation
Resilience evaluation tools and software for infrastructure systems
Case studies on resilience assessment for urban and rural environments

Track 4: Urban Resilience Design, Climate Change Adaptation and Engineering Applications

Resilience-based design principles for buildings, bridges, and transportation systems
Multi-hazard design approaches for urban infrastructure
Application of performance-based engineering in resilient city planning
Design innovations for post-disaster recovery and functionality restoration
Urban heat island mitigation strategies.
Disaster-resilient urban infrastructure (e.g., flood-resistant buildings, resilient transportation networks).
Nature-based solutions for urban flood management.
Climate-responsive urban design and green spaces.


Track 5: Urban Data Analytics and Digital Twins for City Planning

The role of digital twins in urban development and resilience.
Big data and AI in predictive urban planning.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for resilient city designs.
Real-time urban analytics for disaster response and recovery.
Predictive maintenance strategies using AI and machine learning.




Track 6: Urban Resilience-Based Management and Policy

Strategies for disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness
Resilience-based urban planning and zoning policies
Socioeconomic impacts of urban resilience initiatives
Governance frameworks and stakeholder collaboration for resilience management